Gayathri P. J.
“Dissolving Boundaries of Gender and Sexuality: Unfolding Gender Cosmopolitanism in Mahesh Dattani’s Seven Steps Around The Fire and On A Muggy Night In Mumbai.”,
Literary Endeavour. Vol No: X(),
Gayathri P. J.
“The Politics of Alternative Sexuality: A Critical Perspective.”,
Edu World, Vol no: XII(),
Gayathri P. J.
“Problematizing the Queer: A Critique of Gender and Sexuality.”,
Education Times, Vol no: IX(),
Gayathri P. J.
“Foucault’s Discourse: A Study in Power and Knowledge.”,
Education Plus, Vol no: IX(),
Gayathri P. J.
Unveiling the Politics of Alternative Sexuality: Explorations in Mahesh Dattani’s On a Muggy Night in Mumbai and Do the Needful,
Bharata Mata Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol IV(),
Gayathri P. J.
“Sexuality, Social Norms and Gender Identity: Mahesh Dattani’s Bravely Fought the Queen and Seven Steps Around the Fire.,
Tereseian Journal of English Studies, Vol No: 8,(),
Gayathri P. J.
“Identity and Resistance: Constructing A New Female Identity in Mahesh Dattani’s Bravely Fought the Queen”.,
Pauline Journal of Research and Studies: A Multi Disciplinary Bi- Annual Journal. Vol No: 2(),
Gayathri P. J.
“The Queer and the Carnivalesque: Problematization of Sexual Discourse in the Plays of Mahesh Dattani.”,
S.H. Research Journal: Humanities & Business Studies. Vol. VIII(),